...is 18 months old and talking, talking, talking! Her language just exploded over the past month. She's still signing, and often says the word as she is signing it. Some of our favorites are, "WOW!" "Dra-do!" (Dorado, the dog), "whee" (slides), "be-be" (Baby), "wee-wee" (what she says every time she talks on the phone...we have no idea where that came from), and "bubble." She probably says about 20 words on a regular basis, but will parrot just about anything we ask her to say.
...loves everything about babies. We've been watching TONS of births on youtube in order to prepare her to be around for the birth of her little brother. When I have the computer up, she'll crawl into my lap, point to the computer and say, "be-be." She also is fascinated by my baby bump. Whenever she sees it, she says, "be-be" and comes over to give it a kiss! She's done this to other peoples' bellies, too, which is hilarious!
...continues to love dogs more than we could imagine. She spots them everywhere, and will perk up when she hears one bark in the distance. Her favorite dog is Dorado, Ronnie and Suzy's golden retriever. We were over there last night, and she and Dorado just played all night, and if he ever left her side she would call "Dra-do, Dra-do" until he came back. She even sang his name the whole way over to his house; she just loves that dog.
... and I woke up before Grant yesterday and Eden immediately looked over at me and signed "food." I told her that I would get her food, but that I had to go to the bathroom first. She agreed, but while I was in the bathroom, she started yelling "MA! MA! MA! MA! MA! MA!" very loudly over and over. I rushed back to see what was going on, and as soon as I got back, Eden put her hand up to her lips and said "sssshhhhhhh," then she looked over at dad and signed "sleep." Hilarious!
...has been working very hard. The church has been giving him several new responsibilities, and he has done well to juggle those in addition to keeping up with his other tasks. I'm so proud of his work ethic and the fact that he truly love people and believes that he can serve them in his present job.
...and I started a new Connection Group last month and also are teaching the Young Pros class together for the next several weeks. Both of these things have been good for us to do together. We've found that when we have something that we have to prepare, present, and lead, as a team, our marriage really benefits. So, even though this is a busy season for both of us, carving out the time to do these two things has been a good way for us to reconnect after several months of having more "separate" schedules.
...am very excited to be over halfway done with this pregnancy! It's funny how much faster this pregnancy has gone. It's just so different the second time. Overall, this pregnancy has been easier than Eden's, but being pregnant is still hard. Worth it, but hard. So, I'm happy that this pregnancy is 21 weeks over!
...organized the kids' room yesterday and pulled out all the boy clothes and baby gear.... : ) We're starting to get really excited about a little boy.
...am trying to simplify, go on walks everyday, say "no," slow down life a little, enjoy snuggles on the couch with my favorite toddler, and blog more.
And because every post should end with a good video:
(Eden and uncle Allen)